2nd International workshop to be held at Patagonia Bariloche on November 2021
Abstracts Submission
Deadline31st July
Topics for oral and e-posters presentations:
Bioprospection of environmental yeasts for Brewing
Improvement of novel and old strains
Biotransformation of hop derived flavors
Yeast contaminants: detection and control
New insights into yeast re-pitching
Yeast preservation and propagation
Non conventional yeasts in brewing and distilling
Yeasts in food and other fermented beverages
Biotechnological uses of wastes from the fermentation process
Microbrewery scale experiments and experiences
Regulation and Abstract instructions
Download the file to complete the abstracts, this file is in the format established to be incorporated into the book of abstracts, please do not modify this format:
Research presentations must be original and not be published or accepted for publication in another congress or journal at the time they are sent.
Authors are allowed to present a maximum of two abstracts to the conference.
Abstracts will be reviewed by experts in each area. After review, authors will be informed of the outcome directly. At this point, you must confirm your attendance and register to secure your place.
By submitting an abstract to this conference, you are indicating to the session organizers your commitment to attend the event, virtually or in-person.
Authors must inform if they are interested in oral presentation or e-poster, reviewers will decide the format of the presentation.
Oral presentation at specific sessions will be of 10 min. Maximum.
E-posters will be presented in oral format (3-5 min. maximum) using our presentation template which will be provided in due time.
Oral and e-posters presentations could be presented virtually or in-person.
Oral and e-posters presentations must be sent 5 days before the beginning of the event.
Abstract must be submitted to abstracts@iwoby.com.ar , the subject must include the topic.